Friday, June 22, 2018

On My Mind: The Immigration Debacle Continues...


Timmy Martin (John Provost) hugs his
beloved friend and faithful pet, Lassie.

I remember watching an episode of the old Lassie television series
 in which Timmy and Lassie find an injured Mexican boy hiding 
on their farm property and promptly invite him home so he can get treatment,
 much to the dismay of Timmy’s parents, who remind their son
 that according to the law concerning immigration,
 if an American citizen is found harboring someone here illegally
 than that person or persons could be put in jail for breaking the law, 
even if the person they’re hiding is a minor child.

 Furthermore, the little Mexican boy knew he was in violation of United
States immigration law for crossing the border illegally. 

He was eventually turned over to the sheriff
 who told the Martins that they still might have to answer
 to the federal authorities for not turning the boy over right away.
 Of course, nothing happened to Timmy or his parents
 because it was just a television show.

 But the episode reflected the times,
 and how it really was in 1950’s America, 
when the government, whether it was federal, 
 state or local, actually enforced the law concerning immigration.
Most American citizens both respected and obeyed the law
 because most people realized that these stringent measures were in place
for their own safety and well-being, not just from illegals with criminal records
  trying to cross the border, but, from those who had not been properly inoculated
 and might be carriers of diseases like tuberculosis and cholera, which,
 for the most part, had been successfully eradicated in America
  during the early years of the 20th century.

Today, due in part to the neglect and abuse of immigration laws,
   cholera, tuberculosis, and other serious illnesses are making
 a comeback in certain areas of our nation with large populations
of poor and undocumented immigrants.

We also have state and local government officials who
are bent on defying President Trump by the creation of "sanctuary states"
and "cities", where criminal illegals can receive legal help and protection,
much to the dismay of law enforcement.  And, as in the case in my state,
our Democrat governor recently signed legislation to provide 
undocumented aliens with free education at the taxpayer's expense.
These things should not be allowed! 

Furthermore,  I believe that President Trump 
should pull federal funding from states and cities which are
 deliberately putting law-abiding, American citizens at risk by
aiding and abetting foreign criminals on our shores. 

 Illegal  alien and seven time convicted felon Jose Ines Garcia Zarate 
was acquitted last November of murder after a jury found him not guilty
 in the death of American citizen Kate Steinle.
 The jury decided that Steinle's death was an accident
 after she was hit by a ricochet bullet fired from Zarate's gun. 
 This illegal criminal, who should not have been in this nation 
 in the first place, was taking full advantage of the city of
San Francisco, California's "sanctuary laws" for illegal aliens.

Furthermore,  I am sick and tired of the news media trying to make
our president  look like a big, bad monster for separating families at
the border.  They should not be trying to sneak in here in the first place!

Although the president has recently sign legislation to prevent this from happening,
 I  highly suspect the media sob stories about "innocent families being ripped
apart" and children being detained in dog cages and in other deplorable
conditions is nothing more than slanderous propaganda designed to
mislead the American people and to further discredit and 
demonize the presidency of Donald Trump.

  President Barack Obama also separated children
from their parents at the border and prosecuted mothers for entering
the country illegally.  But  I guess the Democrats, their duplicitous
conspirators across the political aisle, and much of the news media
are running true to their truly disgusting form by faking an
  epidemic of mass amnesia in regards to similar actions taken
by this former president.

As my old world Italian grandfather was fond of saying,
"Il diavolo fa le pentole ma non i coperchi" 
 ("The devil makes the pots but not the lids".)

The meaning of this proverb is "The truth will prevail".
If you're up to no good, you will eventually be found out.
Like someone cooking something in a pot without a lid.
Eventually, someone is going to look into the pot to
see what you're cooking!


  1. Well said, I enjoyed the read and your style. I'm sending you my take by Email. Thanks, xoxo J.C.
