Friday, August 24, 2018

A Lost Letter (Inspiration To All My Christian Sisters Out There)

"Behold the days are coming, says the Lord,
when I will make a new covenant with the house
of Israel and with the house of Judah."
Jeremiah 31:31

"And in a like manner, He took the cup after supper, saying,
"This cup is the new testament or covenant ratified in
My blood, which is poured out for you."
Luke 22:20

The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis is a fictitious diary of
scolding letters from a mature demon (Screwtape) to his young
nephew (Wormwood). It is Wormwood's job to keep a recent
convert to Christianity from being productive for Christ (the Enemy).

Screwtape's letter point out where Wormwood has failed or
missed an opportunity. I have often mused that there must be
a missing appendix to these letters somewhere
that must read like this....

Published in 1942, "The Screwtape Letters"
by Christian author C.S. Lewis was dedicated
to author J.R. R. Tolkien.

My dear Wormwood,
    The following instructions shall help
 you proceed in handicapping your convert's 
effectiveness in the Enemy's kingdom.
 One of our great allies at present
 is her perception of herself.

  It is your task, therefore, to feed her poor self-esteem.
 Already she wastes her time primping in front
 of the mirror and worrying about her looks.

A painting by Laszlo Gulyas

    You must continue to encourage her 
to compare herself with so-called, "spiritual giants"
whom she admires. This will eventually immobilize her.

 When she feels inadequate she will no longer
attempt anything for the Enemy's kingdom
 because of her fear of failure. 

Her warped self-image will lead to unhealthy 
 relationships and hinder her ability to love others. 

The more she tells herself that she is 
 a bad person-that she's not competent-the
 more easily she will feel threatened by others. 

This will turn others off to the Enemy
 and his loathsome Christianity.

    Ultimately, her relationship with
 the Enemy Himself will be adversely affected.

 Since she is not satisfied with how the Enemy has 
created her her intimacy with Him will be destroyed
and she will find it difficult to trust the Enemy,
 pray to Him, or read the detestable Book.

Finally, emphasize her weaknesses so repeatedly
 that she will begin to believe that she is 
unimportant to the Enemy.

   This will push her to compulsive striving
 to please Him through her own accomplishments.
 Her works will no longer be motivated by faith,
 but a dislike for herself. Confuse her so that
she never feels forgiven. 

If you successfully convince her
 that the Enemy is never pleased with her,
 she will grow weary and give up altogether.
 But, more of this in my next letter.

Your affectionate uncle,

    In his message to the church at Corinth,
 the apostle Paul assures us that we are letters
delivered by Christ, not written with ink on paper,
 but with the Spirit of the Living God
infused within our hearts. 

 The apostle further reminds us
 that it is not through our own
sufficiency that we prosper in our walk 
 of faith, but that the source of  our strength
 and ability comes from God alone.

    "It is He Who has qualified us, making us to be fit
and worthy and sufficient, as ministers and dispensers
of a new covenant of salvation through Christ, not
the ministers of the legally written code, but of
the Spirit; for the code of the Law kills,
but the Holy Spirit makes alive."
11 Corinthians 6:6

Painting by Michael Dudash

"A Lost Letter"
Beth Donigan Seversen
American Christian writer and pastor
of Women's Ministries

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