Monday, June 5, 2017

Miracle In Jerusalem 1967

"If it had not been the Lord Who
was on our side-now may Israel say-
If it had not been the Lord Who was
on our side when men rose up against us,
Then they would have quickly swallowed
us up alive when their wrath was
kindled against us."
Psalm 124

Through the Lion's Gate
Israeli troops enter the Old City of Jerusalem
June, 1967

Prelude to the Six Day War
June 1967

Prior to the outbreak of war, 
 Al Fatah, the Palestinian terrorist organization,
was sending trained terrorists into Israel on sabotage missions.
Meanwhile, forces from Syria were bombarding kibbutz
( farming settlements) in Galilee.
In mid-May, 1967 Egyptian President Gamal 
Abdel Nasser began to move large regiments of Egyptian
troops into the Sinai.  He also expelled the UN 
peace-keeping forces stationed there.
Near month's end, Nasser had successfully blocked
the Strait of Tiran, at the entrance of the Gulf of Aqaba,
and the Port of Eliat, later declaring his
intentions to be "prepared to war on Israel."
By the end of May, Jordan's King Hussein
placed his nation's military forces under Nasser's control.
A few days later, the nation of Iraq capitulated,
 and also sent troops to Nasser.

The Six Day War

Meanwhile, as tensions rose in the region, the 
nation of Israel mobilized for the coming war.
On June 5, 1967 planes from the Israeli Air Force
bombed airfields in Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq,
destroying 452 planes in only 3 hours.
While Israeli ground forces clashed with 
the Egyptian forces in the Sinai, Israeli leaders told
King Hussein that they would not attack Jordan if his
troops kept the peace.  However, the King refused
their offer and sent his troops to open fire along
the entire armistice line, and to occupy the
U.N. headquarters in Jerusalem.

Miracle of Miracles
June 6-7 1967

Surrounded on all sides by enemies committed to
"drive Israel into the sea"
like young David facing the giant Philistine Goliath,
 Israel bravely counterattacked and took all of Jerusalem,
 including the Old City.  For the first time since
the year 70 A.D. the Jewish people had gained
possession of the capital of their nation once more.

Meanwhile in the Golan Heights...

Israel not only drove the Syrians back across
the border with their tails between their legs, but,
blasted the enemy from the Sinai to the Seuz Canal;
relieving them from the Gaza Strip as well.
Israeli naval forces captured the Egyptian
coastal city of Sharm el-Sheikh on the Red Sea.

The Aftermath

On June 10, 1967 all parties agree to cease-fire.

Also in June, 1967 Israel established the
following policy for occupied former Arab territories:

The guarantee of free access to holy places of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam.

The removal of the barriers
 between East and West Jerusalem.

An "Open Bridges" policy with
Jordan's King Hussein. Furthermore, Arabs living in
Judea and Samaria as well as the Gaza Strip were
allowed to freely travel to Arab countries,
sell their produce in Jordan, and receive visits
from friends and relatives. Tourists were also
free to enter Israel through Jordan.

Israel further announced that it would accept
applications to return from the 200,000 Arabs
who fled during the fighting.

"And Moses built an altar and
called the name of it,
"The Lord is my Banner"
And he said, "Because theirs is a hand
against the throne of the Lord,
The Lord will have war with Amalek
from generation to generation."
Exodus 17:15-16

The enemies of Israel, so certain of victory,
 could only shake their heads in disbelief
at their overwhelming defeat.
Though they were hard pressed to admit it,
as in the War of Independence,
The Living God of Israel,  Jehovah-Nissi,
"The Lord My Banner"
had once again intervened to lead
His people and nation to victory
for the glory of His name.

The united City of Jerusalem today

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
May they prosper who love you, the Holy City!"
Psalm 122:6

Source material for the Six Day War
 taken from the book,
"The Last Word on the Middle East"
By Derek Prince

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