Saturday, June 10, 2017

Batman Farewell: Remembering Adam West

Once upon a time... on an ordinary
weeknight... in the year 1966...

I was stubborn two years old and my patient
mother was attempting to potty train me,
when suddenly, from the television set
in the living room, my keen toddler ears picked up 
 the familiar opening music of a popular weekly program.

Off the plastic potty chair I hopped, half naked,
my bare little feet running down the short hallway
from the bathroom to the living room to watch the
one and only... Nanananana!...Batman!

....And leaving my poor frustrated mother
screaming at the mess left in my slippery wake!

Batman Opening and Closing Theme Song

In addition to hilarious weekly scrapes with
guest star villains and their gangs, which I
never realized until may years later were
supposed to be intentionally funny,
Batman was known to shake a pretty mean cape!

Batman A-Go-Go

It's been over fifty years since the television series,
"Batman" was aired weekly on prime time television.
Although there have been many different portrayals
of the Caped Crusader over the years, in my mind
 and heart the original Batman will always be
Adam West.

Adam West
Born William West Anderson
September 19, 1928 - June 9, 2017
May He Rest In Peace

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